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Charity fundraiser
Charity Fundraiser for The Mayor of Bexley

A night of fun is to be had by all, Are you the next Adele? Celine? Beyoncé? Karen Carpenter? Or do you sound more like Jedward with a bit of Mr Blobby thrown in for good measure? ⭐️🤣🎤🤣🎤

Can you sing? Can you not sing? Want to watch and have some fun? Go on you know you want to 🤩🤣😳💃🕺🍾🍺🍷🍸🎤 🎤

This is in our beautiful garden room, £10 a ticket including a light buffet and each singer will get a congratulatory shot

To book your tickets either send us an email to or a what’s app to 07923 009 864

#Sidcup #ThumbsUpSidcup #WorkingTogether #KaraokeSidcup #Karaoke #ItsAllForCharity