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Monday nights quiz
Monday night was all about Mat’s Fun pub quiz 🤩 the next quiz will be Monday the 29th of April🤩

The sack magique was smaller but full of wonderful bits lol

Play your cards right was topped up to £35 and was finally won after 8 goes! phew 🤩🤩

The winners were:….as there was only 3 teams everyone won something for best team name 🤩

3rd place, Secen sixty sixties, get your tongue around that and won a rummage each in my magic sack from the envelopes 🤩
2nd place, Genital Hogwarts, the won the second line with 78 balls and full house with 81 balls on bingo and they won a pizza and bottle of Prosecco from the envelopes 🤩
1st place went to Tickle my tackle, they win the first line on bingo at 70 balls and also won the £50 cash 🤩🤩

See you all on the 29th 🤩🤩

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