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Did someone say new beer pipes!!
We at The Alma pub, having reopened just over two months ago, want to thank each and every one of you for all of your continued support at this weird and challenging time, it really does mean a lot to both of us.

As a little thank you we are having the pubs beer and ale lines replaced woohoo, you have all commented so much on the greatly improved quality of the draft products that we have offered since December 2018, so after trying our best with what we have done so far we have gone one better and will be getting the whole draft piping system upgraded for you all. This will be getting done tomorrow, Tuesday the 15th,
so we will not be opening until 12pm so we have everything done and tested before we open..... who will be taking our first new pint?!

As we know, today is another restriction being put in to place saying that there are to be no more than 6 people in a group, this is for both inside the pub and in our lovely garden. We have to say that most of you have been very respectful of following the rules so all we ask is that you follow this rule like you do the others. One thing you all need to understand is that if your group size is more than 6 you cannot be together, it is illegal! If anyone flouts this new rule you will only be told once then you will be sent away as we will not put our business in jeopardy by anyone who does not respect us or our business.

Sorry to be so harsh, yes we have our own thoughts on all of this, but we are passionate about everything that we do and do not want it ruined by someone for you all.

So to simplify the rules, here they are:
🟣 Only groups no larger than SIX people at any table inside and outside
🟒 Groups from different tables are NOT permitted to mix
🟑 Track and trace details taken from all parties, as they have been since the 4th of July and retained securely for 21 days
πŸ”΅ Public areas including tables, chairs, toilets and door handles cleaned regularly
🟠 Staff washing hands regularly for at least 20 seconds

You can visit us safely and we really appreciate the support and kindness you have shown us both. We’re in this together and we will get through this together! Thank you all again, Ronnie & Mat 🀩
#Sidcup #WorkingTogether #ThumbsUpSidcup